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National Medical Logistics Newsletter

March 2010

In This Issue
The 3PL Option
STAR Update
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Dear Friends,


This month's newsletter is focused on updates and acronyms.  First, we revisit the 3PL, or third party logistics provider, a concept that we highlighted last year.  We're starting to field more questions about this outsourcing option among healthcare systems as they consider cost cutting alternative distribution methods.


We also provide an update on the STAR Group, the non-profit industry group that we formed last year.  This organization is starting to take shape and promises to provide a voice for an emerging group of hospitals who are also change agents in healthcare distribution.  Look for additional news on STAR in coming months.




National Medical Logistics

The 3PL Option:

Why Outsource Part of All of Your Logistics Under Self-Distribution
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As health systems evaluate the concept of self-distribution, many are realizing that there are a number of ways to approach this new way of managing their supply chain.  One very important element to consider is whether to establish and implement the entire model and processes internally or outsource specific pieces, such as distribution and logistics.


These two critical elements involve the planning and management of the storage and flow of goods and their accompanying information.  Supply chain management is the integration planning and operational control of the logistics, procurement and accompanying services.


If a system is considering the outsourcing option, they are essentially considering hiring an entity that is well versed in the day to day mechanics of healthcare distribution, a company that provides this as a core competency.  These entities are known as third party logistics providers, or more commonly, 3PLs.


The 3PL concept and business model is broad-based and long standing.  Companies in numerous industries have successfully used 3PLs for decades to efficiently and effectively move their raw materials and finished goods, whether across town or around the world.


In the healthcare arena, however, 3PLs have generally only been seen on the manufacturing side, where outsourcing is growing rapidly.  We have seen recent studies that report manufacturers are in some cases doubling their use of 3PLs.


Generally, the use of 3PL's is not commonly used within healthcare systems yet, but we are beginning to work with clients to evaluate this option.


The reasons that a provider might consider outsourcing under self distribution fall under two general categories: financial and managerial:     


Click here to read more about a few things to consider when making this decision.

The STAR Group Update
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A few months ago we brought you news about The STAR Group, a provider-controlled, not-for-profit organization that is dedicated exclusively to the study, data collection, analysis, vetting, and sharing of various supply chain strategies and concepts exclusive to the healthcare arena.  The STAR acronym stands for The Supply Chain Transformation and Reform Group for Healthcare, Inc.

NML believes a stronger provider centric voice is needed and, therefore, decided to act by initiating The STAR Group.  NML briefly introduced this concept last year via our monthly newsletter , and has since invested the time and resources to launch this organization.

Membership and board participation is limited to providers only.  The organization's charter stipulates that the purpose of the group is to identify and support transformational supply chain initiatives that result in expanding the provider's control of the supply chain, while reducing costs and enhancing patient care. Most STAR members either currently operate advanced alternative supply-chain models, such as a self-distribution program, or are contemplating one, or are interested in learning more about them.
The STAR Group's objective is to develop a critical mass of strategic thinking and applications on advanced supply-chain models for healthcare. Members will share with one another business cases, work plans, standard operating procedures and critical learnings. Best practices and implementation strategies will be created for supply-chain services.  Best-in-class supply-chain attributes from other industries will be imported, fitted and applied.
The inaugural board of directors is comprised of provider only thought leaders from the healthcare supply chain industry and is forming now.  The board will be announced in an upcoming edition of our newsletter.  Look for updates and reports on our progress.  For addition information about the STAR Group go to  
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